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Changing migration policies
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Încheierea proiectului EMINET ”Dezvoltarea unei rețele de organizații active în domeniul migrației”
Studiu despre emigrația forței de muncă înalt calificate din România
Petiție în atenția Ministerului Sănătății
Publications / News
Numărul avizelor de angajare/detașare suplimentat pentru anul 2017
Conference ‘Refugee Protection in a Hostile World?’ - University of London
The 3rd Annual Conference of the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) will be held on Wednesday 18 July and Thursday 19 July 2018 at the Senate House of the
Poland could lose EU funds over refugee policy
A comment piece in German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAS), one of the country’s largest newspapers, has reported that Poland could be
Planul de integrare şi ajutorul nerambursabil pentru refugiați, prelungite de la 6 la 12 luni
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IOM Launched 2018 World Migration Report
The International Organization for Migration launched its flagship publication, the World Migration Report 2018, during the 108th IOM Council, in
Proiect de modificare a Ordonanței de Guvern nr. 44/2004 privind integrarea străinilor, în dezbatere publică
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UE propune cote permanente de distribuţie a refugiaţilor în statele UE
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Migrația și piața muncii din Uniunea Europeană, în contextul schimbărilor sociale recente
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Vizită de studiu pentru autoritățile publice locale la Madrid
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Dezbaterea ”Refugiat în România” la Centrul Ceh din București (16 noiembrie, ora 18)
Vizită de studiu pentru autoritățile publice locale, în Oslo
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Care sunt diferențele dintre persoanele cu protecție internațională în România și alte categorii de străini cu ședere legală?
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Primul Observator european al Atitudinilor Publice față de Migrație
Noi prevederi privind recunoașterea diplomelor, certificatelor și titlurilor de medic specialist eliberate în statele terțe
Vizită de studiu a autorităților din România la Hamburg
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ECJ rejected Slovakia, Hungary refugee challenge
The European Court of Justice turned down a challenge brought by Hungary and Slovakia against the European Union’s mandatory refugee relocation
Brasov Multicultural Day - October 15, 2017
Brasov Multicultural Day is an annual celebration of the Migrant Integration Center in the city of Brasov, Romania, intended to educate, impact upon
Dezbatere la Timișoara: modificarea condițiilor salariale pentru angajarea cetățenilor străini din afara UE, pe piața muncii din România
Marea Neagră și oamenii care își riscă viața pentru a își salva viața
Din ce în ce mai mulți oameni sunt nevoiți să își părăsească țările, alegând adesea să își pună viața în pericol pentru speranța unei vieți mai bune
How Germany is integrating its refugees
It will be many years before Germany can fully assess how well it has integrated its newcomers. But it is already clear that the gloomiest
Postdoctoral Researcher Project Cities of Migration at the Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to be involved in the project ‘CITIES OF MIGRATION: THEORIZING THE ‘DIVERSITY OF
Thousands of Refugees to Return to Syria
The United Nations has announced a plan to ensure the return of tens of thousands of Syrian refugees living in Turkey to their country due to the
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Guvernul solicită relocarea a 1942 de refugiați
Școala de vară CDCDI – Advocacy în politicile de migrație
Între 24 și 28 iulie 2017, la București, a avut loc prima ediție a școlii de vară a CDCDI. Evenimentul a fost organizat cu sprijinul Institutului de
Nerecunoașterea dreptului la liberă circulație a unui refugiat pe teritoriul României
În data de 8 iulie 2017, polițiștii români de frontieră au reținut-o pe refugiata turcă Nalan Oral (38 de ani) la Vama Nădlac, în timp ce se deplasa
Ireland among top countries globally for reliance on foreign doctors
Poor training, career opportunities and working conditions make Ireland unattractive for Irish medical professionals. Ireland’s increasing need
Investițiile minime și procedurile pe care cetățenii din afara Uniunii Europene trebuie să le îndeplinească pentru a putea obține viza de lungă ședere ca investitori străini în România
Vizită de studiu în Luxemburg pentru 11 angajați din instituții publice și ONG-uri care lucrează în domeniul migrației
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Italia amenință că își închide porturile pentru navele străine care salvează migranți în Mediterană
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Raportul UNHCR concluzionează: 2016 - anul cu cel mai mare număr de persoane strămutate forţat la nivel global
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Most foreign physicians in Germany are Romanians
The German daily newspaper Der Tagesspieg published statistics on foreign doctors in Germany. Most foreign physicians are Romanians, while at the
Guvernele Ungariei și Slovaciei s-au adresat CJUE după ce au refuzat să preia din cotele de migranți atribuite
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Contingentul de lucrători migranți stabilit pentru anul 2017
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Un resortisant al unei țări terțe poate, în calitatea sa de părinte al unui copil minor deținător al cetățeniei europene, să se prevaleze de un drept de ședere derivat în Uniunea Europeană
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Studiu asupra atitudinii francezilor față de imigrație
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EU Decision To Grant Visa-Free Travel To Ukrainians Becomes Official
The European Union's decision granting visa liberalization for Ukraine has been published in the EU's official journal, paving the way for the
The Council of Europe has adopted the Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe (2017-2019)
On 19 May 2017 in Nicosia, Cyprus, during the 127th Session of the Committee of Ministers, 47 European states adopted an Action Plan on protecting
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung România organizează dezbaterea ”Cum prevenim exploatarea în muncă – sprijinul sindicatelor germane pentru lucrătorii români din Germania”
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung România vă invită la o dezbatere despre modalitățile prin care sindicatele germane sprijină lucrătorii români din Germania
ENAR’s Report: Racism plays a key role in migrants’ exclusion and violations of rights in the European Union
Anti-migrant political discourses and exclusionary migration policies are having a disproportionate impact on racialised migrants, according to a new
Workshop "Policies for the integration of mobile citizens versus immigrants within the EU"
The Department of International Relations and European Integration from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Devine România o țară de tranzit?
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GRITIM-UPF 2017 Call: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
GRITIM-UPF - an Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration at the department of political and social sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies (RoMig). ''Migration from and towards Romania. Research, Policy and Practice'', Cluj-Napoca, 5th-6th of September 2017
RoMig – the Romanian Network for Migration Studies launches a call for papers for the 1st edition of its Annual Conference "Migration from and
Restricționarea dreptului de liberă practică al medicilor străini în România în contextul deficitului de medici din sistemul de sănătate
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Românii nu vor să-și închirieze locuințele refugiaților, chiar dacă plata chiriei ar fi garantată prin intermediul unui proiect finanțat din fonduri europene
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Inițiative de succes pentru integrarea profesioniștilor imigranți pregătiți în străinătate
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Curtea Europeană de Justiție a decis, în premieră, ca angajatorii să le poată interzice angajaților să poarte „simboluri religioase sau politice vizibile” la locul de muncă, inclusiv văl
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TRAF0 – Timișoara Refugee Art Festival
Call for abstracts: International Conference on Migration and Minorities, Oradea, Romania, 18-19 May 2017
The Department of Humanities of the Partium Christian University, in partnership with the Department of Sociology and Social Work of the University
Taking the ‘crisis’ out of migration: integration in the EU
Risk of school segregation, discrimination and restrictions to political participation can form insurmountable barriers to the integration of
Femeile refugiate și solicitante de azil necesită o mai mare protecție în fața violenței fizice și a abuzurilor sexuale
Raport privind situația educațională a imigranților copii, tineri și în vârstă de muncă
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In debates about migration, we ignore a huge proportion of highly skilled women
Call for Papers: International Conference „Transnational Families: Generations, differences, solidarity”
7th-8th of July, 2017 Centre for Population Studies Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ICUB Research Seminar on migration: "Building ‘Deaths at the Borders Database’-methodological challenges" with Ignacio Urquijo
The event is part of the seminar series Migration in a Global Perspective hosted by The University of Bucharest Research Institute – Social Sciences
Three postdoctoral fellowships on migration and home at the University of Trento (Italy)
Applications are invited for scholarships to work at post-doctoral level as part of the HOMInG –The Home-Migration Nexus Project (Dpt. of Sociology
Conferință internațională despre provocările migrației la Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu (16 – 17 Decembrie 2016)
Workshop call for abstracts: The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance (25-26 May 2017, European University Institute, Florence)
The Migration Policy Centre at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute and the Department of Politics at
FRA Report: Asylum seekers and migrants face various forms of violence and harassment across the European Union (EU)
Asylum seekers and migrants face various forms of violence and harassment across the European Union (EU). As this month’s EU Agency for Fundamental
EPIM Call for Proposals: Protecting Access to Rights for Mobile EU Citizens
The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) is seeking proposals for “protecting access to rights for mobile EU citizens”
Raport OpenLab: Criza refugiaților în presa europeană. O analiză mass-media și social media, cu focus pe România
Research Seminar ”Migration in a Global Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Approach” at the University of Bucharest Research Institute – Social Sciences Division
The University of Bucharest Research Institute – Social Sciences Division hosts a weekly Advanced Research Seminar on migration. The purpose of
Job opportunity at the Migration Policy Centre (EUI, Florence, Italy)
The European University Institute has a vacancy for a Research Fellow in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - Migration Policy Centre
Open call for the Professional Fellowship Exchange Program in U.S. “Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities, 2017”
WSOS Community Action Commission, Inc. - Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development in Collaboration with C.E.G.A. Foundation
“The Other/Migration”, the theme of the Bucharest International Theater Platform (6-9 October/ ARCUB)
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2017: Call for Papers, Panels and Workshops
Erasmus University Rotterdam will host the 2017 IMISCOE annual conference. The conference will focus on the urban dimension of migration & diversity,
Employment Opportunities at the UN CEDAW
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women is currently looking for qualified candidates for different
EU Call for Proposals: Providing Support to Capacity Building on Rights of the Child and Child Protection for Professionals in Asylum and Migration
Deadline: 13 December 2016 The European Union (EU) is currently seeking applications for its programme titled “Support capacity building on rights
Bulgaria: New integration regulation for refugees includes signature of an agreement
On 10 August 2016, the Bulgarian government adopted a Regulation on the terms and conditions of making, implementing and terminating the agreement
Greek Volunteers share UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award 2016
A 2,000 strong volunteer sea rescue team, credited with saving thousands of lives during the 2015 refugee crisis, and a passionate human rights
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC 2016)
The Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) is organizing the second edition of the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC
CALL FOR TRAINERS: ”M-Care - Mobilizing Migrant Communities via Capacity and Access Resource Development”, Brussels, 10-14 November 2016
”M-Care - Mobilizing Migrant Communities via Capacity and Access Resource Development” is a training programme that is jointly organised by the
Conference: Facing a New "Age of Migration"? Methodological Challenges, Conceptual Questions, Political Entanglements (Bucharest, 1 – 2 September 2016)
ESA Research Network 35 "Sociology of Migration" is holding this week its third mid-term conference in Bucharest, from 1 to 2 September 2016. The
Selecție de mediatori interculturali pentru proiectul ”INTEGRARE+: Servicii și asistență pentru migranți în Regiunea 2”
Summer school 'Migrant women on the labour market'
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Call for papers for the international Symposium on“Refugees and Migrants: A Global Problem or an Asset” (Ankara, Turkey, 20 to 23 October 2016)
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) are organizing between 20 and 23 of
The General Inspectorate for Immigration has revised the selection calendar for projects from the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (FAMI)
At the end of June 2016 the General Inspectorate for Immigration published a revision of the project selection calendar for implementing actions in
A resolution on refugee integration was adopted by the European Parliament
Allowing refugees and asylum seekers to work in their host countries not only helps to restore their human dignity, but also reduces strain on public
Foreign physicians holding a Blue Card could practice in Romania, according to a draft GEO
Third country physicians holders of the EU Blue Card could practice their profession in Romania, according to a draft Emergency Ordinance (GEO) to
Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2016
The Academy of European Law based in Trier (ERA) will organize the Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2016, in Trier (Germany) 20-21 October
Interview with Rodica Novac, Conect association: ”There are migrants who were refused at the barber or kicked out from the taxi only on the grounds that they were foreigners”
We discussed with Rodica Novac, the president of Conect association, about the funding of nongovernmental organizations which are working directly
EU Action Plan on integration of third-country nationals and attracting highly skilled migrants
The European Commission presented on 7th of June an Action Plan to support Member States in the integration of third-country nationals and their
World Vision Romania, Novapolis Association and Centre for Civic Resources Association announce the launching of the project "INTEGRATION+: Services and assistance for migrants
World Vision Foundation Romania, as beneficiary, together with its implementing partners: Novapolis Association - Center for Analysis and Initiatives
Vacancy for two Research Assistants in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
The European University Institute has a vacancy for two Research Assistants in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Length of contract:
Scholarships for refugees for participating in the Odysseus Summer School on European immigration and asylum law and policy
The Odysseus Academic Network is accepting applications from refugees to attend the 16th edition of its Summer School on European Immigration and
EESC Report on the situation of refugees, as seen by civil society organisations
Last year persecution, conflict and poverty have driven more than one million people to seek salvation in Europe, after risking their lives across
Lecture given by Prof. Noe Cornago from the University of the Basque Country, on the refugee crisis and the support and integration services offered to illegal immigrants in Spain
The National School of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest (SNSPA), through its Department for International Relations and
Conferință SIPE în domeniul migrației (București, 30 iunie – 2 iulie 2016)
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International Conference Migration Dynamics And New Trends In European (In)Security, Third Edition, Cluj-Napoca, 31 May 2016
The third edition of the international conference Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security, within the Jean Monnet Module European
Cum a ajuns un sirian să fie acuzat în România că e traficantul propriei familii
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Asistența medicală pentru solicitanții de azil
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Interviu Mihai Cazacu, investigator al rețelelor de traficanți din România
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Conferința de încheiere a proiectului
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Chestionar imigranți în România
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Interviu. Imaginea sirienilor despre România
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De ce nu vrea România refugiați — la noi sedentarismul este o virtute
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Câți străini au voie să lucreze în România?
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Interviu. Câțiva refugiați și valul problemelor
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The first relocated refugees will arrive in Romania on 3 March, announced the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI)
According to a recently adopted Decision, asylum seekers will be granted material aid consisting of 16 RON/day for food and daily allowance, as well
Dezbatere — drepturile omului în contextul crizei refugiaților
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Refugiații care lucreză terenurile confiscate de la mafia italiană
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Refugiații — tema festivalului de film One World
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Pentru românii care vor să angajeze imigranți
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Câți refugiați sunt în România
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International conference on the European policies for immigrant integration, organised by SNSPA | Call for papers
When: 16-18 Mai 2016 Where: SNSPA headquarters, 30A Expoziției Boulevard, sector 1, Bucharest This Conference intends to raise awareness upon the
Doctoral research fellowship in "Symbolic nation-building in Eastern Europe" at the University of Oslo
Two positions as Doctoral Research Fellows (SKO 1017) in "Symbolic nation-building in Eastern Europe" are available at the Department of Literature,
Într-o lume ideală, România ar trebui să primească de 23 de ori mai mulți refugiați
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Conferința de încheiere a proiectului „Discriminarea Imigranților în Domeniul Drepturilor Civile - DIM”
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Call for Applications- MiReKoc International Summer School -VI- Forced Migration: Old Phenomenon, New Challenges ,11-21 July, İstanbul
The MiReKoc International Summer School of 2016 will be focusing on the discussions around forced migration and its challenges. The Summer School
Two junior fellowships for PhD candidates at the Erasmus School of Law, Netherlands
Erasmus Graduate School of Law (EGSL) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, announces the second Edition of the ESL Junior Fellowship. The Junior
Conference on ”Migration and Crime: Challenges for the European Space”, Bucharest – Romania, 14-15 April 2016
The Laboratory ”Violence and Crime. Mediation and Prevention" - Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy and the Faculty of Sociology and Social
Oxfam Report: Rich countries should step up efforts to relocate Syrian refugees
A report published on Tuesday 29 March by Oxfam humanitarian organisation criticises rich countries for having resettled only 1.39% of the 4.8
European Commission Report: EU Member States need to act urgently for refugee relocation and resettlement
On 16 March 2016 the European Commission published the first report on the application of the temporary emergency relocation schemes for refugees and
The Centre for Intercultural Research and Communication (CCCI) recruits a volunteer junior researcher
The Centre for Intercultural Research and Communication (Centrul de Cercetare şi Comunicare Interculturală - CCCI) recruits a volunteer junior
SNSPA hires an expert within their Centre for Migration
The National School of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest (SNSPA) opens a new vacancy of expert within the Centre for Migration.
"Migration and dwelling - precarious shelter conditions for migrants in the European Union" is the topic of issue 13 of the Political Art Gazette ("Gazeta de Arta Politica")
In its 13th issue of March 2016 the Political Art Gazette aims to investigate the relationship between migration and the precarious living
FES Study: "Romania: refugees in a country of emigrants?"
The Romanian government has openly expressed its position against the binding quotas for the distribution of refugees within the European Union.
UNHCR: 6 steps towards solving the refugee issue in Europe
Before a meeting of heads of state or government of the European Union (EU) with Turkey on 7 March in Brussels, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has
City Hall councillors have approved the creation of the department for "Integration of Foreigners and Diversity" within the Bucharest City Hall
On Monday 29 February 2016 the General Council of the Bucharest Municipality (CGMB) approved the establishment of the Department for "Integration of
Greece faces an imminent humanitarian crisis, warns the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
More than 131,000 immigrants arrived in Europe crossing the Mediterranean in January and February this year, announced Adrian Edwards, spokesman of
Primii refugiați relocați vor sosi în România în data de 3 martie, a anunțat Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări (IGI)
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Conference ‘Searching for Solidarity in EU Asylum and Border Policies’, 26-27 February, Brussels
The Odysseus Academic Network (OAN) will hold a conference on ‘Solidarity between Member States in the EU policies on Asylum and Borders’ in
Call for Applications: XII Migration Summer School – Approaches to International Migration at Origin and Destination
Florence, 27th June – 8th July 2016 The Migration Policy Centre is now taking applications for the 2016 edition of the Migration Summer
The European Commission allocates non-reimbursable funds for the integration of migrants and refugees through the "Urban Innovative Actions" programme
The European Commission launched the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) programme to fund innovative actions in the field of urban development, through
40% of immigrants in the European Union at risk of poverty and social exclusion
New statistics on poverty and social exclusion in the European Union were published by Eurostat in January 2016. Data were collected between 2013 –
3 rd CDCDI International Conference Changing migration policies: national perspectives and supra-national strategies
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration (CDCDI) of the Romanian Association for Health Promotion (ARPS),
The 13th IMISCOE Network Annual Conference, “Migration & Development” Prague, 30 June – 2 July 2016
The 13th Annual Conference of IMISCOE Network (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) will take place at Charles
Interviu. Ce spun cele mai recente studii despre imigranții din România
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Seminar „Este loc pentru migranți pe piața muncii din România? Provocările și beneficiile angajării cetățenilor străini”
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Recommended reading: Family involvment and educational success of the children of immigrants in Europe. Comparative perspectives
Philipp Schnell, Rosita Fibbi, Maurice Crul and Martha Montero-Sieburth have analysed a series of article related to family involvement and education
Recommended reading: Europe's Migration Crisis in Context: Why Now and What Next?
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan and Susan Fratzke answered a series of relevant questions related to migration in the article ‘Europe’s Migration Crisis in
Recommended reading: Migrants and refugees - an opportunity for the European job market?
“The entire discussion about how to handle the refugee crisis in Europe is based on the wrong concept. The current mind-set is how to handle a
Useful reading: The impact of restrictions and entitlements on the integration of family migrants
For a person residing abroad, the reunion with the family members (spouses, partners, children, parents…) might be one of the best news she/he could
Războiul din Siria și impactul asupra mediului
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Perspectiva judecătorului
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Imigranții și două scenarii pentru România
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7 motive pentru care e greu să fii imigrant în România
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Ce trebuie să știi despre atacurile teroriste din Paris
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Infografic. Refugiații din Europa
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Imigranții. Sesiuni de training pentru autorități și organizațiile neguvernamentale
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Interviu. Mizele teroriștilor islamici în Europa
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Conference on Demography in Florence, 4-5 February
The Migration Policy Centre, in collaboration with the European University Institute’s Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography (EUI’s Forum)
Open applications for NGOs professionals working with refugees in the field of inclusion
The program Capacity Building for NGOs working with Refugee Communities funded by U.S. Department of State supports organizations and institutions in
Angajare Coordonator comunicare
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Angajare Asistent proiect
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Comunicat de presă lansare proiect „Dezvoltarea unei rețele de organizații active în domeniul migrației (EMINET)”.
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Ziua Internațională a Migrantului
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Am lansat o nouă publicație în cadrul proiectului DIM
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Call for Papers: ‘Volunteering for Refugees’ for panel at IASFM Conference 2016
The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) is receiving papers for the ‘Conference IASFM 16: Rethinking Forced Migration
International Master Degree in Immigration Studies at the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona
The University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, in Spain, is offering an International Master Degree in Immigration Studies, totally taught in
Petiție pentru declararea zilei de 22 iulie Ziua Europeană a Victimelor Crimelor Motivate de Ură
Mișcarea No Hate Speech, o campanie a tinerilor inițiată și coordonată de Consiliul Europei, intenționează să strângă 10.000 de semnături pentru
Family involvement and educational success of the children of immigrants in Europe. Comparative perspectives
Philipp Schnell, Rosita Fibbi, Maurice Crul and Martha Montero-Sieburth have analysed a series of article related to family involvement and education
Europe’s Migration Crisis in Context: Why Now and What Next?
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan and Susan Fratzke answered a series of relevant questions related to migration in the article ‘Europe’s Migration Crisis in
Seminar lansare raport cercetare și policy brief
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Researcher in Migration for COMPAS
The Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), a research centre within the University of Oxford, is seeking to appoint a researcher,
What should be done to foster multi-ethnic societies? Policy recommendations from FutureLab Europe
FutureLab Europe, a project run by the European Alliance for Democratic Citizenship, is trying to take action for a democratic and sustainable
Migrants and refugees: an opportunity for the European job market?
“The entire discussion about how to handle the refugee crisis in Europe is based on the wrong concept. The current mind-set is how to handle a
Research assistant for MADE 'Migration as Development' project
The Department of Sociology of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research are seeking a research
The impact of restrictions and entitlements on the integration of family migrants
For a person residing abroad, the reunion with the family members (spouses, partners, children, parents…) might be one of the best news she/he could
Căutăm voluntari
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9 răspunsuri care te ajută să înțelegi criza refugiaților
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Cum poți ajuta refugiații
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De ce nu vrea Ministerul ca medicii străini să lucreze în România.
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Refugiat sau imigrant? Cum să folosim corect termenii.
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Cum își fac drum spre Europa refugiații sirieni
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Ilustrație. Cum e să fii refugiat?
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Migranții disperării. Interviu cu politologul Ovidiu Voicu
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Medicii străini pe care România nu îi primește
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Cetățenii care ajută refugiați
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Hărți ale migrației globale
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From Georgia to Romania
Salome Japiashvili is a Georgian economist who moved to Bucharest a year ago. She wrote a revealing story about this past year.
România prin ochii unui copil refugiat
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Vin imigranții. Cât de pregătită e România.
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Posturi vacante de cercetători postdoctorali în cadrul proiectului Individual-Level Attitudes towards Immigrants over Time and across Contexts
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Selecție de lucrări pentru a 4-a Conferință Internațională Ruppin
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Cea de-a 18-a Conferință Nordică în domeniul Migrației: “Migration and social inequality: Global perspectives – new boundaries”
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Selecție de lucrări pentru workshopul IMISCOE “Refugees in European Localities”
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ICMC angajează manager de program pentru Iordania
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Conferință internațională Identities, Languages and Relationships in Migration 25 – 27 septembrie 2015, Cagliari, Sardinia
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International Migration Institute angajează cercetător pentru proiectul Migrants in Countries in Crisis
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Burse la Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development pentru anul universitar 2015 – 2016
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Post vacant de cercetător la International Migration Institute
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Răspunsul Ministerului Sănătății la petiția privind dreptul de liberă practică al medicilor străini
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Anunț recrutare voluntari - Proiect Discriminarea Imigranților în Domeniul Drepturilor Civile – DIM
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Români și migranți spun deopotrivă: SALUT – Suntem Acasă în Locul Unde Trăim !
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Anunț recrutare asistent proiect - Proiect Discriminarea Imigranților în Domeniul Drepturilor Civile – DIM
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Post vacant de asistent cercetare, Universitatea Bristol
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Post vacant de cercetător în domeniul politicilor, la Russel Group
Not available.
The experience of a Cameroonian woman in Romania: "It is not easy to adapt here!"
The stories of immigrants who come to Romania seeking a new home can easily become film subjects. Some are sad stories, others, on the contrary, have
Recent publications
We recommend the following reports and guidelines recently published by organizations and research centers in the field of migration:
Immigrant Integration Barometer, 2015 edition
The Immigrant Integration Barometer, 2015 edition, prepared within the project "Research and Information Centre on Immigrant Integration", was
Fence against immigrants in Hungary
Hungary has recently decided to fence off the border with Serbia following the flow of illegal immigrants, by building a 4 m high fence along the
Post-doctoral research position in the field of migration at MiReKoc
Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) in Istanbul, Turkey invites applications for a post-doctoral researcher position beginning
Record of asylum applications over the last 22 years
The wars in Syria and Iraq and the armed conflicts, human right abuses and the worsening of humanitarian and security conditions in other countries
IMISCOE Seminar in Barcelona on the Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream
On 21 September 2015 IMISCOE will organise the seminar "Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream" at the History Museum in
Is immigration a solution to the doctors' exodus?
În ultimii ani, în România se discută din ce în ce mai des despre lipsa personalului medical calificat în spitalele de stat. Se discută, se avansează
Recruitment notice for Campaign Officer
The Romanian Association for Health Promotion (ARPS) hires a part-time campaign officer (2 hours/day), for 7 months (starting 1 July 2015), within
"Bridges to Hope", a project launched on the Refugee Day in Romania
The World Refugee Day is celebrated each year on 20 June, since 2001. This year the Scheherazade Foundation, in a partnership with the General
The High Commissioner for Migration in Portugal defends the adoption of active migration policies
Pedro Calado, the High Commissioner for Migration, defends the adoption of "very active" migration policies to facilitate the labour integration of
Anti-immigrant billboard war in Hungary
The recent billboards posted by the Government in Hungary, with messages warning refugees not to steal locals' jobs, raised the concern of
MPI Report on Syrian refugees in Turkey
Turkey now hosts the largest community of Syrians displaced by the conflict in their country. According to United Nations estimates, the Syrian
A new conference on “Migration and Gender” in Luxembourg
The 15th International Conference in migration, "Migration and Gender", will be held in Luxembourg between 18-20 June 2015. The event is organised by
Legal Policy Analyst vacancy at MPG
Migration Policy Group (MPG) announces a fixed term vacancy (5 months, for the maternity leave duration) for the position of Legal Policy Analyst in
Applications for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships programme
The Immigration Research Group of Pompeu Fabra University - GRITIM-UPF is interested in participating as a host centre in the following actions:
"Namaste India" Festival in Bucharest at the beginning of June
This year's edition of the "Namaste India" Festival will be held at the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum and the National Peasant Museum in
International Seminar in Zagreb on the migration situation in South Eastern Europe
The Croatian Association for Law and Economics - CALE will organise an international seminar in Zagreb between 1 - 3 July 2015 on “Examining the
Report on Ukrainian and Russian immigrants in Poland
“Corridor Report on Poland: the case of Ukrainian and Russian immigrants”, by Magdalena Lesińska from the Centre of Migration Research at the
Swedish citizenship law amended
Sweden is one of the few countries without integration requirements to become a citizen. For example, there are no income requirements nor language
New regulations on employment of foreigners in Poland
The new regulations on the employment of foreigners in Poland came into force in May 2015. These refer to: the Regulation of the Minister of Labour
Study on volunteers who help refugees, by the Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research
A study performed by the Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at Humboldt University focused on the volunteers involved in
Estonians have a national action plan for attracting highly qualified migrant workers
Estonian Ministry of Economics and Communications has approved a nation wide action plan for the attraction of foreign talents, for years 2015-2016.
The third ISA Forum: "The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggle for a Better World"
The third edition of the Sociology Forum organized by International Sociological Association, with the theme "The Futures We Want: Global Sociology
International Workshop "Return migration, circular migration and social work – An emerging field of practice”
Between 15 – 16 October 2015, the University of Malmö will organize the international workshop on "Return migration, circular migration and social
Romania should combine the Norwegian and the Danish immigrant integration systems
At the end of last month ICAR Foundation and their Norwegian partner RVTS Vest organised the press conference "Northern Models of Approaching Migrant
Record of asylum applications over the last 22 years
The wars in Syria and Iraq and the armed conflicts, human right abuses and the worsening of humanitarian and security conditions in other countries
The Tragedy in the Mediterranean: "We should not view these people as statistics"
The European Council had an emergency meeting last week, after the shipwreck of two ships in the Mediterranean Sea led to the death of about 1,400
IOM report on the Iraqi refugees in Syria, who returned between 2011 - 2014
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has recently launched the report “Iraqi Returnees from Syria Following the 2011 Crisis” which
Conference on diversity and minority integration at Sapientia University in Cluj
The conference "Patterns of Integration of Old and New Minorities in a Europe of Complex Diversity" will be held between 7 - 9 October 2015 at
Camelia Doru, ICAR Foundation: "Romania should encourage migration!"
Dr. Camelia Doru, an anaesthesiologist by profession, is the president of ICAR Foundation which she established more than twenty years ago to provide
The Dublin Regulation, analyzed in a new MPI report
The report “Not Adding Up: The Fading Promise of Europe's Dublin System”, published by Susan Fratzke within Migration Policy Institute (MPI), looks
Call for papers for the IMISCOE seminar “Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream”
On 21 September 2015 IMISCOE will organise in Barcelona the seminar "Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream". The event aims to
A new network on non-discrimination and gender equality
The European Commission has awarded the contract for the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination to the
Pompeu Fabra University gets the renewal of the official accreditation for the Master in Immigration Management
The Master in Immigration Studies of Pompeu Fabra University obtained the renewal of the official accreditation by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
Event programme of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in 2015
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) announced their event programme for this year. ICD organizes international conferences as well as
The third volume of Migration Studies journal
The first issue of the third volume of Migration Studies journal was issued in March 2015. The topics covered in this edition’s articles include:
Local seminar in Bucharest, with participation of a representative of the National Authority for Citizenship
On 31 March 2015 the Association for the Protection of Rights and Social Integration (Asociaţia pentru Apărarea Drepturilor şi Integrare Socială -
New reports published by Migration Policy Centre within the INTERACT project
Migration Policy Centre (MPC) posted on their website the latest reports, which can be consulted in the openAccess system.
Recent publications
We recommend the following reports and guidelines recently published by organizations and research centers in the field of migration:
Immigrants' political participation in Romania, between legal constraints and lack of vision
The international study MIPEX III, published in 2011, placed Romania as the last of the 31 states analysed with respect to immigrants' political
Bogdan Voicu, sociologist at ICCV: "Migration is for us a kind of natural experiment!"
Bogdan Voicu is a sociologist and he performs his activity at the Research Institute for the Quality of Life within the Romanian Academy, being also
The 11th edition of the summer school organized by Migration Policy Centre in Florence
The 11th edition of the Migration Policy Centre's summer school - “Multiple Approaches to Migration: Challenges at Origin and Destination” - will be
International Conference on the impacts of migration policies upon migrant integration, organised by SNSPA
The Romanian Association for International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE - ECSA Romania) and the Centre for European Studies on Human
Government Scholarships for foreign students at universities in the Czech Republic
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals, based on bilateral
Frontexit asks for measures to stop the maritime operations of Frontex
The Frontexit campaign organisations demand immediate measures to interrupt Frontex's maritime operations, which they consider partly responsible for
Project launch announcement: Immigrant Discrimination in the area of Civil Rights – DIM
The Romanian Association for Health Promotion, in a partnership with Societatea Academică din România (the Romanian Academic Society) and Consiliul
Anunț recrutare voluntari
Not available.
UKIP would ban immigrants without health insurance from entering country
The United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP) plans to introduce compulsory health insurance for immigrants during their first five years of stay in
Trends in immigrant integration policies: increased cooperation between origin and destination countries
Increased cooperation between origin and destination countries through programmes developed prior to immigrants' departure from their countries of
A dedicated site for migrant participation
The site http://www.migrant-participation.eu/, launched by a network of NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe and Spain, aims to offer an overall
New publication on counselling for migrants and diaspora members
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) published a guideline for governmental officials on counselling for migrants and
Vacancy for General Manager at ICMPD
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), with its headquarters in Vienna, is looking for a person for the position of
MISMES Project, employment support for migrants
The Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute (EUI) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) are partners in the MISMES project
Activists from Romania needed for European online campaigns
Organisations such as MoveOn, Campact and 38 degrees help millions of people to make their voices heard. In a world which tends to be more
Sweden allocated about 1.8 billion Euro for integration measures
In December last year the Swedish Parliament voted the economic framework for expenditures and revenue in the 2015 budget. For integration and gender
A proposal to reform EU asylum policy
The article „Tradable Refugee-admission Quotas: A Policy Proposal to Reform the EU Asylum policy”, written by Hillel Rapoport and published on the
Syrians, the largest refugee population under UNHCR mandate
UNHCR’s new "Mid-Year Trends 2014" recently published report shows that for the first time in history Syrians have become the largest refugee
Vacancy in migration studies at the Koç University of Istanbul
The Department of International Relations and the Department of Sociology at the Koç University in Istanbul would like to invite applicants to two
Evaluation mechanism of integration policies for beneficiaries of international protection
Migration Policy Group (MPG) will be involved in a new project “National Integration Evaluation Mechanism: Measuring and improving integration of
28 Country Reports on measures to combat discriminatio n
The 2013 country reports on measures to combat discrimination were prepared for the European Network of Legal Experts in the area of
The impacts of labour migration upon the children and elderly people left home, in an awareness raising guide
SC Quando Project Consult S.R.L. in a partnership with the Association for Woman Promotion in Romania (Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Femeii din
The recently arrived immigrants in France
A study written by Chantal Brutel, recently published on the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) website, addresses the
International Summer School in Forced Migration
The Oxford University Department of International Development organizes the International Summer School in Forced Migration between 6 - 24 July 2015;
Bucharest, included for the first time in the European DELI project
The Bucharest City Hall, a partner in the European DELI project (Diversity in the Economy and Local Integration) coordinated by the Council of Europe
Report on the immigrant labour market evolution in six EU countries
In the context of population ageing and a modest economic growth, few European governments make sufficient efforts to support migrants' occupational
Indian cardiologist, jobless in Romania
When you meet Hanna Mohammad Babar, you have the feeling you've met a "Bollywood" star. He is presentable, speaks English and Romanian fluently and
Language support for youth with a migrant background
Lack of knowledge on the language of their host country is an obstacle to migrant children's ability to understand and follow the classroom lessons,
Human rights: blasphemy in Pakistan; kidnapping in Iraq; war crimes in Serbia
In November 2014 the European Parliament (EP) adopted three resolutions on human rights: the first appeals to the Pakistani government to revise the
New deadline for abstract submission to the International Conference "Challenges Ahead: Integration of Migrants on the European Labour Market" - Bucharest, 12 - 13 March 2015
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission to the 2nd CDCDI International Conference: "Challenges Ahead: Integration of Migrants on the
Proposals to reduce the education gap between native students and immigrants
The paper “Enhancing EU Education Policy: Building a Framework to Help Young People of Migrant Background Succeed” highlights once more the
UNHCR launches campaign to end statelessness over the next decade
In November 2014 the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) launched the global campaign "I belong", which aims to solve the issue of
2nd CDCDI International Conference Challenges Ahead: Integration of Migrants on the European Labour Market Bucharest, 12 – 13 March 2015 Call for Abstracts
In the last decades European states developed increasingly selective admission policies for migrants. Thus the migrants’ education, skills and
Communication for Integration through Networks for Diversity
COMMUNICATION for Integration (C4I), a project co-financed from the European Integration Fund, aims to fight prejudices, rumours and stereotypes by
Master in Migration Law at the University of Bergamo
The 5th edition of the Master programme in Migration Law will start at the University of Bergamo in February 2015, as a programme organized in
How can mentoring be a support for schools
Although multinational companies worldwide already apply mentoring and coaching programmes successfully, such programmes are relatively new in the
Recent publications and reports
We recommend the following reports and guidelines recently published by organizations and research centers in the field of migration:
Proposals of legal amendments for facilitating migrant integration
A seminar was held in Bucharest at the beginning of December within the project "Migrant in Intercultural Romania", now at its third stage (July 2014
The Arab language lecturer who "broke the ice" at the University of Timişoara
Ahmed Rashidi Hassan is an assistant professor of Arabic language and culture at West University in Timişoara and a teacher at the Arab School and
The third issue of Migration Studies magazine was released
The 3rd issue of the second volume of Migration Studies magazine was released in November 2014. The articles in this edition cover topics such as:
ICMPD seeks a project assistant
International Centre for Migration Policy Development receives applications for the position of Project Assistant for the project Integrated Border
Global Detention Project, relaunched as an independent research centre
Global Detention Project (GDP) was relaunched as an independent non-profit research centre, after having operated for eight years within the Graduate
A review of Ordinance 25/2014 on the employment and secondment of aliens in Romania
Ordinance 25/2014 on the employment and secondment of aliens in Romania, effective as of 28 November 2014, amends the access conditions of aliens to
The Egyptian gynaecologist who fell in love with Romania and Romanian women
Mohamed Daoud is 45 years old, but neither his age nor his origins are visible. One can guess by his accent that he comes from the Arab world. He is
Post-doctoral scholarships for foreign researchers, University of Bucharest
The University of Bucharest launches the competition for a number of 4 post-doctoral scholarships worth 10.000 euros each. The duration of the
Immigrants heading to Romania, dying in the Bosphorus waters
At least 24 clandestine immigrants died at the beginning of November trying to get to Romania. The ship with 40 Afghani and Syrian immigrants upset
Goslar: orașul german dispus să ofere ajutor mai multor solicitanți de azil
Not available.
Facilities for foreign citizens who came to study in Romania
Foreign citizens who came to Romania for studies will benefit from facilities for accessing the labour market, once the Emergency Ordinance 25/2014
New violence in the Central African Republic
Widespread violence in the Central African Republic in the last two months generated a massive displacement of vulnerable persons around Bangui,
Final Conference of CONTENTION Project
CONtrol of DeTENTION (CONTENTION) is a project co-financed by the European Return Fund and developed in a partnership between European Migration
For a Moroccan pharmacist, Romania is like his wife, he chose her because she charmed him!
Amjad Alaoui Soulimani, pharmacist, originating from Morocco, opened a pharmacy in a Romanian village together with a Romanian colleague, more
Romanians and Mexicans have something in common: telenovelas
I met Nidia Galicia in Cluj, at the course for journalists organised between 30 October - 1 November 2014 by Institutul Intercultural (Intercultural
CEDEFOP study: Guidance for labour market integration of migrants
The EU CEDEFOP agency (the European Centre for the Development of Professional Training) of Thessaloniki, Greece has recently published the study
Dezbatere on “Diasporas Old and New: Social and Cultural Perspectives” at the School of Sociology of the Romanian Academy
On Thursday 13 November 2014, at 15.30, a debate will be held at the School of Sociology - Academy House, 13 Septembrie St. no. 13, 4th Floor,
The high number of refugees from Syria and Iraq puts pressure on neighbouring countries
The difficult case of refugees from Syria and Iraq was addressed in a hearing of the human rights sub-commission in the European Parliament, in
Rights, democracy and migration at the 12th IMISCOE Conference
The Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (University of Neuchâtel) and the Institute for Demographic and Life Courses Studies (University
National Observatory for foreign students’ integration in Italy
The Ministry of Education in Italy has recently established, through a special decree, the National Observatory for the integration of foreign
EU - USA: Migration, Integration, Trade
The article summarizes the main European evolutions over the last year in the field of migration and asylum, as well as the labour market trends
The Federal Government has adopted the dual citizenship for Germany-born youth of immigrant families
The Federal Council of Germany adopted in last month's plenary session a bill allowing dual citizenship for young immigrants born in Germany.
Diaspora Link, a network of universities to monitor entrepreneurship in migration corridors
The international project Diaspora Link is financed by the European Commission within the framework programme Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation,
International Conference METROPOLIS 2014 in Milan
The International Conference Metropolis will be held in Milan between 3-7 November 2014, with the subject “Migration: Energy for the Planet. Feeding
Report on the way how the progress of information and communication technology facilitates immigrant integration
Migration Policy Institute (MPI) launched in September 2014 a report called „Smart Inclusive Cities: How New Apps, Big Data, and Collaborative
International Conference NEDES 2014 in Bucharest in November
The International Conference on Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunities - NEDES 2014, with the theme “Exercising the right to non-discrimination
Free access Sage Online Publications In October 2014
Between 1 – 31 October 2014 Sage Online Publications offers free access to the whole data base.
International programme for researchers provided by BIGSSS-HWK
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) and Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) provide an international researcher mobility
The Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development (ARCADIA) organizes a training session on: Introduction in the management of
RESTORE Closing Conference, Limerick, March 2015
The international closing conference for the project RESTORE Health of Migrants, funded through the framework project 7 (FP7) will be held in
Visas for entrepreneurs: how developed countries create jobs for immigrants
The article „Visas for Entrepreneurs: How Countries are Seeking Out Immigrant Job Creators”, signed by Madeleine Sumtion and published by Migration
The future of dual citizenship in Finland at stake
Finland's Ministry of the Interior announced that they would explore the possibility of tightening citizenship eligibility criteria or forbidding
A new PhD Program in migration at the University of Massachusetts
The Department of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston announces a new PhD Program in the Department of Sociology, specialised in
French Decree to promote international talents
Bernard Cazeneuve, French Minister of the Interior, signed a decree last month comprising various measures to facilitate the access and promotion of
Denmark’s initiatives for decentralising immigrant integration - an MPI report
In Denmark the subject of immigrant integration has been highly politicized and has been decisive for the elections result. Denmark was among the
Sweden proposes decentralisation of language courses for immigrants
The Swedish government plans to decentralise Swedish language courses for immigrants, proposing that these courses get taken over by local
630 work permits for foreigners issued by the Immigration Department of the Bucharest Municipality in the first 8 months of 2014
During the first eight months of 2014 policemen within the Immigration Department of the Bucharest Municipality issued work permits for 630 foreign
Nansen Refugee Award 2014 granted to a Columbian organisation
Whereas last year UNHCR granted the Nansen Refugee Award to Nun Angelique Namaika, this year's winner is the Columbian organisation Red Mariposas de
Frontex between Greece and Turkey, at the "Border of Denial"
At the Greek-Turkish border the European Agency for controlling the external borders, Frontex, prevents persons in need of international protection
Particularities of immigrants’ integration in the United Kingdom - a new report of the Migration Policy Institute
The report „Advancing outcomes for all minorities: experiences of mainstreaming immigrant integration policy in the United Kingdom”, prepared by
Immigrants' integration in Germany at federal and local level
Although fragmented over several levels of government with a low degree of coordination, integration policy in Germany has made progress over the
Integrating approach to immigrants in France
In France migrants are one of the population categories targeted by the general social programmes and policies, in accordance to the equal treatment
2014 Report: "Immigrants in the Italian labour market"
The fourth annual report in the "Immigrants in the Italian labour market" series has recently been presented to the media by the General Direction
Migrant integration in the labour market in 2013
Eurostat has recently published the indicators for migrant integration in the labour market. Data are broken down by citizenship and country of
Research Assistant vacancy
The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies are looking for a full-time research assistant. The Research
Belgium - Morocco: 50 years of migration
50 years after the arrival of the first Moroccan workers in Belgium, the Federal Centre for Migration and the Research Centre in Demography and
The Irish Report on Integration Monitoring - 2013
Ireland has recently published the 2013 annual report on integration monitoring. The authors of the study - Frances McGinnity, Emma Quinn,
Two draft bills of the French government regarding migration
The French Government has recently revealed their reform plans in the field of asylum and migration, by introducing two draft bills to the Cabinet of
Marriage, an important factor of human trafficking in Viet Nam
More than 18,000 Vietnamese citizens migrate annually in order to conclude international marriages of convenience, through illegal brokers. The
David Cameron intends to reduce benefits for immigrants in the United Kingdom
UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced in an article in The Telegraph that strict measures would be taken as regards benefits for immigrants.
“Attitudes to Immigrants in Turbulent Times”, special edition of Migration Studies journal
A special edition of the 2nd Volume of Migration Studies magazine was issued in July this year, called „Attitudes to Immigrants in Turbulent Times”.
An MPI report on national immigration policies and local demand
A new report, "Giving Cities and Regions a Voice in Immigration Policy: Can National Policies Meet Local Demand?", has recently been published by the
Turkey became a destination country for immigrants
Turkey shifted from the status of emigration and transit country to the status of destination country for immigrants and refuge for the civil
Arab Gulf States: an assessment of nationalisation policies
The Migration Policy Centre and the Gulf Research Center have published the first 2014 research paper in the Gulf Labour Markets and Migration (GLMM)
Eight migration stereotypes presented by the Migration Policy Centre
Professor Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) within the European University Institute in Florence, has recently
Three essays selected from the Migration Summer School organised by the Migration Policy Centre
The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) has recently published the best essays of participants in the Migration Summer School 2013.
The testimony of 135 Syrian refugee women in the UNHCR report
"Woman Alone – the Fight for Survival by Syrian Refugee Women" is a new report of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), based on the testimony
50 million people forcibly displaced worldwide
The United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) published a report revealing that the number of refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced
Humanitarian corridors for displaced Iraqis
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is calling for humanitarian corridors for the displaced Iraqis who fled fighting in the northern
Strategic guidelines on asylum in 2014-2020 in the European Union
The Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI) and the International Migration Initiative of the Open Society Foundations support the European asylum
The EU will not allocate new funds for immigrants in Italy
Cecilia Malmström, the EU's Home Affairs Commissioner, recently declared that no new funds will be allocated to help Italy cope with its current
Luxembourgers are concerned with the foreigners’ right to vote
Felix Braz, Justice Minister of Luxembourg, has recently announced that two referendums will be organised - one in 2015, the other one in 2016 -
The Danish Parliament approved dual citizenship
A broad majority of the Danish parliament supported law change approving dual citizenship. The new law, which will come into force in the summer of
Stronger residency rules for welfare benefits in Ireland
Tougher residency requirements for entitlement to child benefit and other welfare payments were included in a new Irish draft legislation regarding
The story of two Turkish women who came to study in Romania
The language barrier is the first obstacle faced by foreign students who come to study in Romania. But not the only one. They also face other
Job Vacancy Announcement - Project Assistant ARPS
Not available
Recommended readings
Modood, T., Triandafyllidou, A., Zapata Barrero, R. - Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship. A European Approach, London: Routledge, 2014
Upcoming international events
ICIMHS 2014: International Conference on International Migration and Human Security 30 – 31 July 2014 - Zurich,
The regional pledge of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Office for Middle East and North Africa has recently provided an update on the situation of
The European Policy Centre Policy issued an update of European documents with an impact on migration
The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) through the European Policy Centre (EPC) launched in June the "EPC Policy Update for the
Guidelines for inclusion: Ensuring access to education for all
Review of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization report (2005) Guidelines for inclusion: Ensuring access to Education
UNHCR about Ukraine: 10,000 refugees in their own country
According to recent estimates by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of internally displaced persons following the
The University of Warsaw seeks a PhD Researcher on Transnational Migration
The University of Warsaw has a vacancy of researcher within the TRANSMIC project - "Migration as a Translocal Process in EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood".
On the World Refugee Day UNHCR launches the campaign "One family/ Refugee stories"
On 20 June, on the occasion of the World Refugee Day, UNHCR celebrates the courage and resistance of the more than 40 million people forced to
Immigrant integration on the labour market in the United Kingdom
The 2000s saw a significant increase in the foreign-born working-age population in the United Kingdom, in part because of the decision to forgo
ADO – SAHROM announces the launch of the leaflet "Your rights in Romania. Information on the rights and obligations of aliens in Romania"
The Association for Organisation Development – SAH ROM has recently launched a leaflet with information on the rights and obligations of aliens in
UNHCR Romania seeks candidates for Community Services Assistant
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Romania seeks a candidate to fill the position of Community Services
UNHCR Romania announces the Call for Proposals for the Pilot Project on assisting beneficiaries of international protection in Romania in accessing the labour market
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Romania launched the call for proposals for a pilot project on assisting
Double degree Master programme in migration management
The Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) in partnership with the Institute for Human and Social
Restrictions on the Swiss labour market cancelled for 25 EU states but not for Romania
Switzerland announced at the beginning of this month that it cancelled the labour market restrictions for 25 EU states but they maintain the limits
E-learning courses on migration
The Human Rights Education Association (HREA) offers in 2014 a series of e-learning courses and training workshops for human rights and media
A new resource and service centre for migrants
ICAR Foundation launched the Resource and Service Centre for Migrants which will provide health care and psychological counselling services to
REGANE I on regularised immigrants’ access to employment
The final report on "Feasibility Study on the Labour Market Trajectories of Regularised Immigrants within the European Union (REGANE I)", funded by
Inequalities and Multiple Discrimination in Access to Health Care in Austria
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) together with the Research Institute of the Red Cross published a framework
The pathway of young Moldavians who came to study in Romania
The research report "Traiectoria tinerilor basarabeni veniţi la studii în România – între mit şi realitate" ("The pathway of young Moldavians who
European Modules on Migrant Integration - Final Report
The European Commission published the final report on the modules on migrant integration in February. The modules are essentially good practices
Country reports on migration in the "Silk Road" Region
The Budapest Process is a consultative forum with over 50 governments and international organisations in Eastern Europe - Asia region, established at
The Labor Market Integration of New Immigrants in France
The report "Slow Motion: The Labor Market Integration of New Immigrants in France", published in May 2014, aimed to assess labour market results of
Summer school “Cultures, Migration, Borders” 2014
The Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean and the Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University
Call for articles from Alterstice on the paternal commitment in the context of migration
Alterstice magazine - Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle - will dedicate a special number to the paternal commitment in the context
The UN calls on Spain with respect to immigrants’ right to health
The United Nations (UN) raised their concern on the changes adopted by the Government of Spain in 2012, reducing access to the public health system
IOM Condemns Attack on Relocation Convoy to North-Eastern Central African Republic
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has condemned in the strongest terms the attack on the relocation convoy in the North-Eastern
Migration Policy Centre looks for collaborators for the Interact project
Migration Policy Centre (MPC) within the European University Institute (EUI) is urgently looking for collaborators for a fixed term contract in
The UN report on misinformation and incitement to hatred in Ukraine
The Ukrainian government should take urgent measures to counter disinformation, propaganda and incitement to hatred, in order to mitigate the
Feasibility Study on the labour market and immigrants’ trajectories within the European Union
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Wien launched at the end of March 2014 the final report "Feasibility Study on
The second volume of the Migration Studies journal was published
The second volume of the Migration Studies journal was issued in March 2014 within the Oxford Journals series. The magazine brings together various
Moldavians will no longer need a visa for the Schengen area
Citizens of the Republic of Moldova will be able to travel to the Schengen Area without a visa as of 28 April. According to Mediafax news agency, the
UNHCR report "Asylum Trends 2013"
The number of asylum applications for industrialized countries grew over the last years, as shown by the United Nations High Commissioner for
Amendments made by Governmental Ordinance (OG) 1/2014 to Law no. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania and to OG 44/2004 on the social integration of aliens
In addition to non-essential amendments related to terminology, such as defining the ”form of protection” as temporary protection and international
40 Iraqi refugees will be relocated from Turkey to Romania
The Romanian Office of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants (ARCA)
More than 100,000 foreign citizens in Romania at the end of the first quarter of 2014
On 7 April the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) celebrated 133 years since the documentary evidence of the first legal act regulating the
"Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation", at the IMISCOE Conference in 2014
The 11th annual IMISCOE conference (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion) will be held this year between 27 - 29 august.
UN World Youth Report, 2013
The United Nations 2013 World Youth Report offers a broad understanding of the situation of young migrants from the perspective of young migrants
Oana Ciobanu: "Research, affected by the referendum in Switzerland"
Rezultatele referendumului din 9 februarie din Elveția au pus pe jar întreaga Europă. Elvețienii au votat cu o majoritate de 50,3% pentru
Oana Ciobanu: "In the next decade we will have a much larger population of elderly migrants"
Oana Ciobanu is a researcher at the University of Applied Sciences in Western Switzerland and the University of Geneva, being particularly concerned
Immigrants, major target group for combating tuberculosis
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) believes that immigrants could be the key to success in the fight against tuberculosis (TB). The
Vacancy at UNHCR Romania for studying statelessness
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - Romanian office has an open position of researcher for the study "Statelessness in
Turkey promises to make its border less permeable
Turkey, which is currently one of the main entry routes for illegal immigrants to the EU, signed in December 2013 the readmission agreement for
UNHCR launched the new Protection Manual
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) launched the new Protection Manual on 18 March 2014. The Manual is representative for UNHCR’s policies
Migration today, transposed into art
Today’s condition of migrants and refugees is a matter of interest for artists as well, as shown by theatre plays, films and photo exhibitions on
The role of immigrants, countries of emigration and countries of immigration in the integration process
A report has recently been published within the series of publications of INTERACT project - Researching Third Country Nationals’ Integration as a
The EU - Switzerland relationship at a stand following the referendum results
The results of the referendum held on 9 February in Switzerland, when 50.5% of participants voted for the reintroduction of immigration quotas, with
3rdARCADIA Annual Conference 2014 The development approach of CEE donors: Priorities, actors and frameworks
15th June, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Call for Papers The Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development - ARCADIA in
Research and policy: a troubled relationship?
There is apparently a strong relationship between research and policy. Politicians promote in their discourse the need for a scientific basis for
INTERACT Analysed the Political Participation of Immigrants in Host Countries
The INTERACT project report was launched at the end of 2013, called "The political participation of immigrants in host countries: An interpretative
Population Growth in the United Kingdom, a Result of Immigration and High Birth Rates
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) of the United Kingdom revises its population projections every two years. The projections for 2012-2014 have
A Brighter Life for Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and IKEA company aim to improve refugees' lives in special camps, through their worldwide
MPC Is Looking for a Research Assistant for the INTERACT Project
Migration Policy Centre (MPC) together with Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies within the European University Institute in Florence are
Ageing of Skills and Complementary Immigration in the EU Over the Next 15 Years
The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) presented the paper "Ageing of skills and complementary
Foreigners Holding Documents Issued by Schengen Countries Are Granted Facilities When Entering Romania
Starting 1 February 2014 the holders of long-stay visas or stay permits issued by Schengen Area member states will no longer require a short stay
Contest on Refugee Rights within Current Legislation
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th year law students who are passionate about Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, have the opportunity to participate in a national
A Call for Project Proposals on Citizenship and Fundamental Rights
The European Commission issued a new call for project proposals on citizenship and fundamental rights. This call is targeted at EU citizens, third
Publishing opportunities: The Journal of Community Positive Practices, issue no. 1/2014 (volume XIV), on "Social-Economic challenges of Immigration"
Publishing opportunities: The Journal of Community Positive Practices, issue no. 1/2014 (volume XIV), on "Social-Economic challenges of Immigration"
European Funds for Asylum, Migration and Integration for the Financial Framework 2014–2020
EU countries will have to allocate more funds to improve their asylum systems and the integration of migrants, shows a press release of the European
Immigrants in Sweden Who Refuse a Job Offer Could Lose Welfare Benefits
As of July 1, 2014, Sweden will adopt a new legislative measure whereby immigrants who unjustifiably refuse a job offer, despite participating in the
Integration Evaluation Tool – a Useful Instrument for Refugee Integration
Migration Policy Group (MPG) developed for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Budapest an instrument to assess refugee integration
Terre des Hommes Foundation Is Looking for a Research Analyst in Fighting Children Trafficking
Terre des Hommes Foundation is looking for an expert in researching measures to fight children trafficking. The research looks at the procedures for
Job Vacancy Announcement: International Consulting Expertise Bucharest Is Looking for an Expert in Migration
The expert would work in a project developed by the Ministry of Labour, which aims to assess the information needs of Romanian citizens who emigrate
Immigrants’ National Identification: Meanings, Determinants, and Consequences
Verkuyten, M. and Martinovic, B. (2012), Immigrants’ National Identification: Meanings, Determinants, and ConsequencesSocial Issues and Policy
More than 2200 Third Country Nationals Counselled by IOM and Apel over 16 Months
The project "National Coordination of Third Country National (TCN) Integration in Romania", developed by the International Organisation for Migration
The Changing Face of International Migration
What migration flows look like nowadays and how international migration has changed over the last years are aspects covered by Meghan Benton in a
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS International conference Rethinking EU Immigration: legal developments, management and practices 13 -14 March 2014 Bucharest, Romania
Is immigrant integration a key challenge for the EU states? How should governments address the European trends in Migration? Immigration and
Important announcement! New deadline for abstract submission for international conference!
Important announcement! The deadline for abstract submission for the international conference "Rethinking EU immigration: legal development,
European Members of Parliament Request a Humanitarian Conference on Syrian Refugee Crisis
At the beginning of October 2013 the European Parliament (EP) adopted a non-binding resolution whereby it requested the European Union (EU) to
Governments Review their Strategies for Immigrants
The potential benefits for the economy of qualified workforce from third countries have determined governments to adapt their immigration strategies.
UNHCR Requests the Temporary Prorogation of the Transfer of Asylum Seekers to Bulgaria by the Dublin II Regulation
The UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) recommends signatories states of the Dublin Protocol to temporarily suspend the transfer of asylum seekers back to
Job offer: Researcher of the University of Glasgow for Romanian speakers
The Social Sciences College of the University of Glasgow is looking for an associate researcher for the project "Researching Multilingually at the
The Impact of Immigrants upon Germany, discussed in the Government
The international press, particularly the European one, has been interested over the last days in the "poverty immigrants" and the way how they can
2014 Annual IMISCOE Conference in Madrid
The IMISCOE 11th Annual Conference on "Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation" will be held between 27-29 August in Madrid, Spain. This
Recomandări: Articole și Publicații în domeniul migrației
1. Benjamin J. Newman, Todd K. Hartman, Patrick L. Lown and Stanley Feldman (2013): Easing the Heavy Hand: Humanitarian Concern, Empathy, and Opinion
International Conference: Causes and Consequences of Migration and Citizenship Policies
WZB Social Science Centre Berlin will organize the international conference on Causes and consequences of migration and citizenship policies between
Bulgaria Can No Longer Sustain the Influx of Syrian Refugees
The UNHCR Commissioner advises Europe to support Bulgaria to cope with the influx of Syrian refugees, now that an ever increasing number of refugees
The African Who Found Nothing Better than Romania
Hermann Twilingiyimana is almost 40 years old and has lived half of these years away from his native country. He was born in Rwanda, where he went to
Did you come here to study, work or for family reunification? We want to meet you!
Manual on Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in Europe for Scholars and Students
The "Manual on Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in Europe" was published within the ACCEPT PLURALISM project, as an instrument for scholars and
International Human Rights Day
The International Human Rights Day, held worldwide on 10 December each year, celebrates the day when the General Assembly of the United Nations
Winter Holidays Campaign for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Romania
The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) has launched the campaign "Offer joy! You can be the first to bring the holidays to their hearts!".
The Republic of Moldova in the Attention of Romanian Members of Parliament
A draft bill has recently been presented in the Parliament which makes the Republic of Moldova a priority for the Romanian State. The civic platform
Victims of Trafficking Helped to Return Home
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) France has launched a reintegration project for victims of trafficking in European Union (EU) who
Advertisement for appointment of a Research Assistant
The Migration Policy Centre at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, is currently looking for a
Migration Statistics in Italy Show Positive Impact
Migration statistics of 2012 in Italy indicate the positive impact of this phenomenon. The same sources also indicate that the European peninsula saw
85 Scholarships for Non-EU Country Citizens
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) offers 85 scholarships for the university year 2014-2015 for foreign citizens of non-EU countries.
Exodus: Immigration and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century
Journalist Ian Birrell from the prestigious newspaper "The Observer" draws readers' attention to Paul Collier's book "Exodus: Immigration and
Internship Stages at UNHCR
The UNHCR representation in Romania offers internship stages to qualified and dedicated students and graduates. According to the institution's
France discusses two draft laws on discrimination
France has recently presented two draft laws on the possibility to take collective legal action in cases of discrimination. It is not the first time
Press release "My Place - Centrul Cultural Multifuncţional – o punte pentru integrarea RTT în România"
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in Romania, in partnership with Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development are launching
"We were not born in the right place"
One of the 6 plays of the political theatre programme, suggestively called "We were not born in the right place" tackles the issue of migration and
"Qualifications and Migration" in Timisoara
This day of 13 November 2013 a seminar shall be held in Timisoara, called "Qualifications and migration", with the participation of 24 inter-cultural
Obstacles and Opportunities in the Naturalisation Procedure
Immigrants face a series of obstacles during their long naturalisation process, in the path to citizenship, and legal provisions offer them both
Global Mobility of the Highly Skilled
The paper “A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: the Role of non-OCDE Destinations”, published by the International Migration Institute,
Integrating Third Country Nationals - a Process with Three Main Actors
The Migration Policy Centre plans to investigate the impact of home countries on immigrants' integration in the residence countries, by a new project
Integrating Immigrant Youth: Transatlantic Perspectives
An article by Magdalena Ziółek – Skrzypczak from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munchen, published in September this year in the Migration
Development of the Institutional Capacity of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum in the Republic of Moldova
The project "Strengthening and Development of the Institutional Capacity of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum - consolidating the legal and
The Link between Integration Policies and Naturalisation in 29 European Countries
Based on the idea that there are two contrasting views on the way in which European states instrumentalise naturalisation, residence and immigrants'
Article rview - Good Mothers, Bad Mothers: Transnational Mothering in the European Court of Human Rights’ Case Law
The European Directive on family reunification (2003/86/EC) only sets minimum standards, leaving Member States a wide margin for interpretation. For
Jasmin Sukaina, the Arab Woman who Makes a Career in Romania
Jasmin Sukaina is a model of Arab woman making a career. In Iraq, her home country, she was an Arabic language and mathematics teacher. In Romania
The Link between Immigration and Apprenticeship on the Labour Market in the United Kingdom
The Labour Party proposed a new scheme for reducing the number of low skilled immigrant workers, which consists of issuing work permits for
Nansen Refugee Prize Awarded to Nun Angelique Namaika
The Nansen Refugee Prize has been awarded every year since 1954 to a person or organisation as a recognition of exceptional services performed for
Workshop on Roma Migration in Western Balkans and the EU
A workshop will be held in Belgrade between 27-29 November 2013 on Roma migration from the Western Balkans to the EU member states. The event will
Conference "Towards the Good Society - European Perspectives"
The Romanian Sociological Association, the Research Institute for Quality of Life and the Faculty of Social-Humanistic Sciences of the University of
"Great expectations: The strategic use of resettlement" - an UNHCR report
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) published a report on the evolution of the resettlement concept, called "Great
IOM launched the World Migration Report 2013
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched in September the World Migration Report 2013: "Migrant Well-Being and Development", which
Canadian Funds for migration policy in Ukraine
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) develops a study in Ukraine on the remittances from Ukrainians living outside the country. The
A Million Foreign Citizens Can Vote in All British Elections
The Migration Watch UK report reveals that there are one million people living in England and Wales who hold only Commonwealth passports. These
28 Country Reports on Measures to Combat Discrimination
Several country reports on measures to combat discrimination in 2012 were drafted through the European Network of Legal Experts in the
Sweden offers permanent residency to all Syrian refugees
Swedish migration authorities have ruled that all Syrian asylum seekers who have come to Sweden will be granted permanent residency. Sweden is the
An Indian Lady Trains Romanian Children for the High-school Graduation Exam
Ritu Cazacu is an Indian lady who settled in Romania more than 14 years ago by marriage. Although she does not hold dual citizenship, as this is not
Date: 03 September 2013
The paper "Comparing and Measuring Integration" was written for an international conference organised by the Ministry of Integration of
References to MIPEX at the Annual IMISCOE Conference
The tenth Annual IMISCOE Conference, held in Malmö at the end of August, drew again the audience's attention to the Migrant Integration Policy Index
6 Million People Displaced by the War in Syria
The number of Syrian refugees has long exceeded two million people, but what is even more tragic are the dramas which often lie behind them. One
The Committee for Migrant Workers will be held in Geneva
The committee for migrant workers will convene between 9-13 September 2013 at Palais Wilson in Geneva. The meeting agenda of the 19th session
Source: Migration Policy Group E-newsletter no. 36, August 2013 Date: 21 August 2013
We are pleased to inform you that the Call for Proposals VP/2013/011 for Information centers for EU migrant workers and posted workers has been
SIRIUS Network Reunion in Brussels
The SIRIUS Network Reunion will be held in Brussels on 13 September, with the main topic on the agenda being an European Commission study developed
CDCDI needs a two-months intern
Not available
Map of Local and Regional Authorities' Good Practices on Integration
The European Website on Integration, managed by the Migration Policy Group (MPG) on behalf of the European Commission, has recently launched an
EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration
This report on the further development and use of EU immigrant integration indicators in policy debates was prepared at the request of the European
Comparative Analysis of Non-Discrimination Law in Europe
The European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-discrimination Field prepared a comparative review on non-discrimination law in Europe over
Migration Policy Group Hires a Statistic Research Assistant in the Area of Migration and Integration
The Statistic research assistant contributes to the MIPEX preparation. The job description consists of the preparation and review of statistics in
Immigrant Citizens Survey Raises the Bar for Immigrant Surveys
Immigrant Citizens Survey (ICS), led by King Baudouin Foundation and Migration Policy Group alongside partners of 7 countries, has recently been
Immigrant credentials recognition in Migration Policy Institute report
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) in Washington launched in July 2013 the report "Tackling Brain Waste: Strategies to Improve the Recognition of
The British Government Envisages to Reduce Net Migration by Ten Times
On 28 July 2013 British Members of Parliament published a report on the statistics on migration to and from the UK.
Assessment Questionnaire on migration NGOs` interest to work together
Not available
African Meetings in Bucharest
African immigrants in Romania try to raise awareness on their condition by organising various events. On Friday 2 August 2013 at 19.00 hrs a new
The 4th Annual Report of the European Commission on Migration and Asylum
In July this year the European Commission submitted to the European Parliament the Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum for 2012. Migration has
Handbook on European Law relating to Asylum, Borders and Immigration
A Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration was issued in July this year. The document is jointly produced by the European
IOM Compendium on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience
On 16 July 2013 the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) launched in Switzerland the second Compendium on Disaster Risk Reduction and
The 5th Global Conference "Strangers, Aliens & Foreigners"
The 5th Global Conference „Strangers, Aliens and Foreigners” will be held between 5-7 September 2013 at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging in a global conference
The seventh Global Conference on “Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging" will be held between 1 - 3 September in Oxford, United Kingdom. The event
ICMPD Anniversary Event, in November in Vienna
2013 is an important year for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), because the organization will mark 20 years of
33 Syrian Immigrants Demanded Romanian Protection
A ship in the Romanian coastal waters of the Black Sea filled with immigrants was discovered by the Constanta border police. The foreigner had a 20
Employment prospects for immigrants in Europe have worsened
Employment prospects for immigrants have worsened, according to a new OECD report. One in two unemployed immigrants in Europe looks for a job after
Perceptions, challenges and consequences of migration, discussed at the annual conference IMISCOE
During 25-27 August 2013, the 10th conference IMISCOE will take place in Malmö in Sweden. The event is organized by the Institute for Migration,
Immigrant Integration Barometer 2013
Immigrant Integration Barometer 2013 survey was conducted within the project Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration, financed by
Naturalization of immigrants in the context of institutional diversity
The article "Naturalization of immigrants in the context of institutional diversity: politics issues, but for whom?" written by Maarten P. Vink ,
From Ideas to Action: Migration and Human Rights Festival Edition III
The idea of the MIDO Festival came to us in 2010, when we were starting to implement integration projects of the International Organization for
UNHCR Report regarding Asylum Trends Phenomenon in 2012
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced the launch of a report regarding the asylum trends phenomenon in 2012. 44
Recognition of qualifications and skills of immigrants from EWSI Integration files
A new publication on migration "Integration EWSI Dossier 2013/01: Recognition of qualifications and skills" aims to provide editorial content from
Over 100,000 foreigners legally residing in Romania, at the end of 2012
The General Inspectorate for Immigrations (IGI) released a few statistics regarding the situation of immigrants in Romania, given the launch of the
World Refugee Day 2013, Celebrated with Photography, Music and Film
Every year on June 20, World Refugee Day is celebrated. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) will mark this day with a special event which will take place
2013 Immigrant Integration Barometer will be released
The Romanian Association for Health Promotion and the Soros Foundation Romania will launch on June 18 at Ibis Parlament Hotel, the 2013 edition of
"Dilemmas of the Refugees" 2012, end of the campaign
The campaign "Dilemmas of the Refugees", initiated by the UN Refugees Agency, is close to its end. On June 13th it will be replaced by the new
"Migrant in Intercultural Romania" - local consulting seminar in Bucharest
The project "Migrant in Intercultural Romania", initiated by the Intercultural Institute of Timișoara and developed between July 2012 and June 2015,
Project "TCN Integration, with legal Romanian residence, through Education and Health", at the end
The project "TCN Integration with legal Romanian residence through Education and Health" concludes with a conference which will take place at Ramada
MIPEX in France and USA
The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) in France and the United States of America was published in March 2013 and it updates the profile of the
NORFACE Research Program regarding Migration
NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation Agency in Europe) is a network comprising 15 national organizations financing research
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Every year, on May 21, the International Day for Cultural Diversity is celebrated, thanks to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly, which set
The methodology regarding schooling and accepting foreign citizens from EU third countries has changed in Romania
The methodology regarding schooling and accepting foreign citizens from EU third countries in the public and private educational system in Romania
Quality Education in Europe and beyond, with the signing of the Helsinki Declaration
Romania and other 47 member-states of the European Council, commit themselves to support each other in the development of educational policies base
Turkfest Bucureşti, the 2013 edition in Herastrau Park
During May 17 and 19, the Turkish festival "Turkfest Bucharest, 2013 edition" will take place. Organized by the Tuna Foundation, which has been
Aime Lema: “Study recognition, a problem which will forever remain unsolved”
Aime Lema, a Congolese from Romania, went through a lot of stages till he became a business man: he was a foreign student who came to learn in a
A new perspective on family reunion
Given that efforts are being made to issue a common policy regarding immigration, there is discrepancy at the member states level with respect to
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPPD) Vienna – a model for CDCDI
In February 2013, a delegation from CDCDI made a study visit to Vienna at the headquarters of International Centre for Migration Policy Development
A new Soros report: "Reacquiring Romanian citizenship: a policy with vision?"
A new survey done by Soros Foundation Romania and entitled ”Reacquiring of Romanian citizenship: a policy with vision?”, whose authors are Sergiu
Romania – above EU average regarding antidiscrimination
The analysis of Romanian legislation regarding antidiscrimination places Romania on the 11th position, according to the Migrant Integration Policy
Mbela Nzuzi: "Nobody in Romania Has a Problem with Africans"
Africa Day is celebrated on May 25th, an opportunity for African immigrants to try and draw attention to the public opinion regarding their
Immigrants’ Access to Citizenship – a Field Romania Has to Improve
According to the Migrant Integration Policy Index III report (MIPEX), Romania obtained 29 out of 100 points regarding access to citizenship, with
Romania, below average EU score regarding long-term residency
The Migrant Integration Policy Index III Report (MIPEX III) has revealed the fact that Romania has registered in terms of long-term residency a score
Romania, last place regarding the grant of political rights
The grant of political and civil rights represents an indicator which shows the degree of confidence in the immigrating country. Out of the 31
African immigrants invitation: "Take a look at those next to us"
Coming soon
Romania, the Last in Terms of Education
Among the major obstacles in immigrant integration there is children’s access to education and the educational system. Out of the 31 assessed
Family Reunion Places Romania on the 14th position
Legal right to family reunion may pose problems to immigrants and certain states. The Migrant Integration Policy Index III (MIPEX III) shows that
Romania Ranks 11th Regarding Mobility on the Labor Market
Migrant workers who get to Romania have better legal opportunities to economically contribute in the host country than workers in other
The Actors in the Integration Field and the Mass-Media
The way in which the mass-media reflects the different aspects regarding migration and integration influences the public perception on immigrants.
Immigration is Vital for Ireland’s Economic Success
Immigrants have played a significant role in the economy and are still vital, in spite of the economic crisis, an Irish report show. Immigration was
Norm Relaxation for CEOs and Outstanding Immigrant Graduates in England
Theresa May, the English Minister of Internal Affairs, has proposed some changes to the "graduate entrepreneur pattern", so that Great Britain allow
Immigrants: the same Conditions for Housing benefits as for British Citizens
The English Prime Minister has recently said that immigrants in Great Britain wait between 2 and 5 years before being on the wait list to get a house
What are universities from Cluj doing to encourage non-EU immigrants to apply for college, masters and PhDs in Cluj-Napoca?
The League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADO) in Cluj organized on March 14, 2013, at the Students’ Culture House a local seminar which focused
Immigrant Citizen Survey – How immigrants experience integration in 15 European cities
At the end of February, King Baudouin Foundation, Migration Policy Group and partners presented at Brussels the outcome of the project „Access to
Regional Scholar Travel Grant
The Association for Slavic, Eastern-European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) introduces a new program in order to cut travel costs for students, policy
Review - Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future
Gerard Boucher (2012): Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and will Define Our Future, Immigrants & Minorities,
Migration and Integration. The Migration Phenomenon and its Impact on Integration Programs on Third Country Nationals in Romania
A managing system of integration has been set in Romania alongside with the preparation to adhere to the UE. Before Romania was a member of the E.U.,
The New Structure for the European Site Regarding Integration
On January 30, 2013, the European Commision approved a new managing structure for the European site regarding integration, done in cooperation with
Immigrants in Europe
Migration is a very difficult topic to approach because it has a very weak media exposure, and, on top of that, nobody knows its positive
Scholarships for Students and MAs
The Agency for Credits and Scholarships offers scholarships in Syria during the university year 2013-2014: - 3 scholarships for BAs (the
Immigrants’ Integration – a two-fold process
Migration is the main force of demographic change on the whole continent. This phenomenon might be a chance for Romania, since it is a factor of
The Romanian Job Market – A Favourable Field for Workers?
Migration has become a global phenomenon with which all the countries deal with. International migration is directly proportional with the evolution
Immigrants Image in Romanian Publications
The main goal of the Research and Documentation Centre in the immigrants’ integration field is to contribute to the building of an open, diverse and
European Perspective on Immigrants
The integration policies for immigrants have become one of the most important topics of European states and not only. In order to benefit from a
The newsletter will be distributed quarterly in electronic format to users subscribed to the online platform who ticked this option.
Contest on Refugee Rights within Current Legislation
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th year law students who are passionate about Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, have the opportunity to participate in a national essay contest, an initiative of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) in Bucharest.
The contest has two sections, one in Romanian and one in French. The topics are: “Refugees’ rights within current legislation” for Romanian, and “La vie privée vs. La liberté d’expression sur l’Internet” for French. One student may only participate
Read more
A Call for Project Proposals on Citizenship and Fundamental Rights
The European Commission issued a new call for project proposals on citizenship and fundamental rights. This call is targeted at EU citizens, third country nationals legally residing in the European Union territory, as well as civil society organizations which promote the objectives of the programme.
Read more
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